Gadzook Design - Letterhead layout plus business card, front and back including envelope

Why Gadzook?

The word gadzook is association with typography and is the descriptor for the over looping ligature between two letters within a word. It’s also a fun word and describes the studios’ approach to design and to solving problems. Like a gadzook joining different letters together; research followed by ideas, sketches, discussion, and many iterations creates a solution to a design problem. The design opportunity for this logo was to a loop from the letter ‘S’ over the letter ‘Z’ to the tittle above the letter ‘I’, ultimately creating a gadzook and ball. Part of the design process was to also balance tradition through the typeface Caslon with a more modern take on a typographical gadzook and give a brand-crafted look to a modern creative design studio. The Caslon typeface was designed by William Caslon (c. 1692 – 1766). The aesthetic of this serif typeface is as relevant today as when it was created. With its graceful non overstated use of the serif, Caslon was an ideal typeface to be combined with a loop or gadzook.




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