Augusta Theatre Company - Logo in white on brand blue background

The Augusta Theatre Company

The Augusta Theatre Company was a small not for profit repertory theatre company based in the USA. I was the founder, artistic director and set designer.

The logo is based on a highly stylized conjoined version of Melpomene and Thalia, the two masks representing comedy and tragedy. The logo needed to be distinctive, easy to produce (a small not-for-profit theatre company never has much money for printing and ancillary costs, so it must be kept simple and economic) and fully adaptable; from large signage to printed posters, programmes, tickets, letterhead, advertising, etc. It was always produced in a single colour such as black /blue on white and white on black or coloured background.

Augusta Theatre Company - Logo in black, blue, and grey all on white background.

Augusta Theatre Company - schematic of logo typography and mask with dimensions.

Augusta Theatre Company - Letterhead and business card

Augusta Theatre Company - Envelopes and with compliments slip

Augusta Theatre Company - Ticket design with direction map.

Augusta Theatre Company - composite picture with letterhead, business card, envelope, and with compliments slip.


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